Neriza Sarmiento-Saito 2024

July - August 2024



by Neriza Sarmiento-Saito

"Not yet, Rizal, not yet... the land has need of young blood, and what younger than your own, forever spilled in the great name of freedom, forever oblate in the altar of the free, not you alone, Rizal."

From "Like the Molave" by Rafael Zulueta da Costa

During my university days, there was one poem that profoundly impacted my imagination and ignited my sense of patriotism when I first arrived in Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. The poet, born in 1915, was actually a businessman who graduated from De La Salle University. He used the "Molave tree" as a metaphor for the true Filipino spirit of accepting challenges and overcoming adversities in life. I memorized the poem in our literature class by heart. This poem also inspired me to write a script about Philippine history, which we staged at the Centennial Celebration of Independence in 1998 at the Asian Trade Center.

For this year’s 126th celebration, I would like to feature some events organized by Filipinos in Kansai to commemorate our independence from Spain. It might also interest us to know that the term "Filipinos" was originally used only by Spaniards and Spanish mestizos born in the Philippines, who referred to themselves as "Espanoles-Filipinos," children of Spain and the Philippines.

In May, members of the National Movement of Young Legislators of the Philippines visited the prestigious Nara Institute of Science and Technology, where they participated in an open forum with Consul General Voltaire D. Mauricio, Dr. Kazushi Ikeda of the Math Engineering Department (Filipino computer science Professor Renzo Roel Tan), who delivered the main lecture on "Lessons from Japan to the Philippines Tech Leap," Vice-Consul Christy Fe Conta, and myself on Best Practices in Japanese Education, Disaster Resiliency, and others. The delegation was composed of young vice governors, vice mayors, and board members who are below 40 years old, such as Ms. Janina Medina Farinas of Vigan City and Ms. Ma. Fritzie P. Aguado, Executive Director of the NMYL. On June 14, the Philippine Consulate General and its attached agencies hosted a reception at the Conrad Hotel in Osaka with guest of honor, OWWA Administrator, the Honorable Arnel Ignacio. Mrs. Yoriko Hayashi and I received the Consul General’s Award. Incidentally, Kansai Nippi Tomo No Kai, which we founded in 1984, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. 

That week, TAYO Fashion Week, a limited pop-up event, featured young designers from the Philippines at Hankyu Department Store, Osaka. TAYO showcased fashion pieces by Feanne, Ken Samudio, J Makitalo, Repamana, and Saboten. Two events organized by the Department of Migrant Workers, Osaka, headed by Labor Attache Elizabeth R. Estrada, and Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration represented by Welfare Officer, Pilipina Dino, empowered OFWs in Osaka with life learning skills — an Ikebana event in May and a sushi-making event.

Members of the Tumandok Dance Co. from Central Philippine University performed Philippine Dances at Prism Hall in Yao City. The event was organized by the Yao International Center.

And on June 23, we attended another Independence Day event in Tennoji-ku organized by the Filipino Empowerment Society on the theme "Bayanihan sa Lupaing Banyaga: Pagpupugay sa Araw ng Kalayaan!" Consul-General Voltaire Mauricio, as guest of honor, delivered a significant message to an audience composed of long-time Filipino residents, newcomers, and young Filipino-Japanese children on the meaning and significance of the Philippine flag — specifically, the 3 stars representing Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, the bright yellow sun representing Independence, and the rays of the sun representing the 8 provinces that led in the uprising: Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas.

I could hear a pin drop as the audience suddenly listened earnestly. But at the back of my mind, I remembered a dramatization of "Potenciano Meong: ang Bayaning Pusa" that my Japanese students studying Filipino in Osaka University staged about 26 years ago. It was about a heroic cat who saved the Philippine flag (designed by then President Emilio Aguinaldo, after it was sewn by three women: Dona Marcela Agoncillo, her 5-year-old daughter Lorenza, and Delfina Herbosa Natividad, niece of Jose Rizal).

This story teaches us how to value and respect our flag and our Filipino identity in a foreign land. We have to be self-sufficient and strong:

"Like the Molave, firm, resilient, staunch, rising on the hillside, unafraid, and strong in its own fiber."

That’s the true meaning of "Kalayaan and Kasarinlan."

May - June 2024


30 Years in Search of the Reality of

Life of Filipino Marriage Migrants 

and Nikkeijin in Japan with


Professor, School of International Relations

University of Shizuoka

by Neriza Sarmiento-Saito

“Ang palay ay parisan, 

habang nagkakalaman 

ay lalung nagpupugay."

(Filipino proverb)


(Be like a rice stalk; the more grains it bears, the lower it bows.)

When the petals of the cherry blossoms begin to fall, the Japanese say that it signifies that life is ephemeral or that everything is momentary. After welcoming new students at entrance ceremonies in schools, the pink carpet of withering cherry blossoms gives way to verdant leaves, promising new hopes and new life as the cherry trees bear fruit as early as May.

A pleasant spring surprise for me arrived: a book written by one of my former students in the Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Filipino Department, Dr. Sachi Takahata!!!

I was overwhelmed with pride at her achievements as one of her mentors in the Department of Philippine Studies.

At the entrance of Osaka University’s Minoo campus, there is an impressive white wall with proverbs in different languages engraved on it.

The proverb in Filipino is noteworthy because it is how Sachi-san is as a student, as a researcher, as a mother, and for all that encompasses what she is as a person: humble and unaffected!

The book she recently published is “Filipinos in Japan—Marriage Migrants and Nikkeijin in the 1980s to 2020.“ It is a comprehensive study that spanned three decades of field research in Filipino communities in Japan that covered the lives, work, parenting, and integration into society of both marriage migrants and Nilkeijin. It was published by Nagoya University Press. The book is a must-read for Japanese-Filipino children to give them a better insight into their existence in Japan from the viewpoint of an expert.

Sachi’s name already defined her future from the moment she was born in Osaka. Luck and happiness followed Sachi wherever she went. At 4, they moved to Akita, famous for autumn rice paddies and kiritanpo (sticky rice on skewers), until she was 13 years old. They then moved briefly to Saitama and returned to Akita when she was 16 years old. She was tutored in English by a Filipina. She had a tough time reviewing for the entrance exams through the radio because she chose to enroll in the Osaka University of Foreign Studies (now Osaka University). There were no open campuses 37 years ago. All that she wanted was a warmer place and a blue sky, as it was too cold and rainy or cloudy in Akita in the winter.

She passed the exams and entered the English department. However, she later decided to study Filipino, so she went directly to Prof. Mamoru Tsuda and requested to take classes in Filipino. And that’s where our paths crossed—in some of the classes I taught in the 1990s.

She was diligent, smart, and inquisitive, but always enthusiastic about anything about Filipinos. While doing her master's degree, we worked together on the publication of a tabloid for Filipinos in Kansai, featuring news and articles related to the Filipino community until about the year 2001. Meanwhile, she finished her Master's in South Asian Languages and Area Studies in 1994 and, in 2006, received her PhD majoring in Sociology from Osaka City University. One of her most notable projects was being in charge of the exhibit on the lives of Filipino migrants held at the Osaka Museum of Ethnology in Suita City, Osaka, along with other young researchers.

Another research project she has completed together with her fellow graduates from Osaka University (Prof. Toshiko Tsujimoto of Ritsumeikan University), Prof. Kimi Yamoto of Osaka University, and Prof. Megumi Hara of the National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College, is the “Ageing of Filipino Marriage Immigrants in Japan, on whether to remain here or return to the Philippines.

Prof. Takahata has also taught at several universities, including Osaka University and Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University, and has been awarded for her valuable research on multicultural issues, court interpretation, and Filipino caregivers in Japan.

Currently, Prof. Takahata is with the School of International Relations at the University of Shizuoka. She has expanded her scope of research to Nikkeijin or Japanese descendants as there are some residential concentrations in the prefecture.

Whenever she is busy, she finds time to get a picturesque view of Mt. Fujii from Shizuoka, which she finds very relaxing and uplifting. Despite her successes and accolades, Sachi-san (as she prefers to be called) has remained, like the grains of rice in Akita: simple, serene, and substantial...

I was born in Osaka and raised in Akita Prefecture, in the northern region of Japan.

I was in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, when I was 4 to 13 and 16 to 17. From 14 to 16, I was in Saitama Prefecture, next to Tokyo. 

I had no idea. I was in a rural area, and my mother was a housewife, so I had no such thing as a role model for working sometime in the future.

It was in search of a blue sky. I just wanted to go somewhere with a nice climate because it was mostly rainy, cloudy, or snowy in Akita in the winter. For me, it was most realistic to go to Osaka for a college education since there were relatives on my mother's side whom I would rely on. Yes, it was hard for me to study for the entrance exam. It was about 37 years ago. There was no open campus, and quite limited information was available. Juku was not usual in Akita, so I used the reviewing class on the radio. It was a big challenge for me to pass the entrance exam.

First, I entered the English department, but I decided to study Filipino. I found out that so many students were in the English department, and they were overwhelmingly excellent. I felt it would be better to do something unique, so I visited the office of Prof. Tsuda of the Filipino department and asked if I could join the class. He welcomed me. I chose Filipino among other languages because I was interested in the country. I had a Filipina tutor when I was a senior high school student in Akita, whom I met frequently for English conversation. 

Aside from the Philippines, where I stayed for 10 months as an exchange student at UP Diliman, I visited China, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates, Holland, Bulgaria, and the United States for field research and academic conferences.

It was Neriza sensei. She was a teacher of the Filipino language at the Osaka University of Foreign Studies, a representative of Filipino residents of Japan (from the point of students’ view), and a bridge between Japanese students and the Filipino community in Osaka. Through her, we had a chance to get a microscopic picture of what was happening among Filipinos in Osaka and how they were feeling. It became the foundation of my academic pursuit. 

It was a very memorable time. Prof. Hiroshi Shoji of the National Museum of Ethnology had an organized group of young researchers in sociolinguistics who had access to various migrant communities in Japan. I was among them. He decided to organize an exhibition on the lives of immigrants in Japan in 2004 and asked us to join the team. Each of us was assigned to the exhibition of each section, such as the lives of Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Brazilians, etc. Of course, I was in charge of the exhibition of Filipinos. Many Filipino people cooperated with me, and the exhibition was completed. 

There are hopes and challenges. Some will go home, and some will stay in Japan for their later lives. Maybe in the future, there will be a nursing care service provider and home for the elderly specially designed for Filipinos in Japan, just like what is happening to ethnic Koreans and Chinese. Also, there may be a special graveyard for Filipinos. Let’s see what will happen.

My first piece of advice to other researchers is to learn Filipino when dealing with the Filipino community. Learning their language helps you understand their own philosophy. Also, my humble advice to the aging population of Filipino immigrants is to take care of themselves and maintain good health. As is usually said, healthy food, exercise, and good sleep will be the keys. 

“Sachi” means luck and happiness. Indeed, I am lucky to have been a student of Neriza sensei because I learned the Filipino language and was motivated to pursue my academic career to publish a book now. 

I recommend going to Mt. Fuji's area in the wintertime. Mt. Fuji, in contrast to the clear blue sky, is breathtakingly picturesque. It’s refreshing.

Book information

Filipinos in Japan: Marriage Migrants and Nikkeijin in the 1980s to 2020s

by Sachi Takahata

Publisher: Nagoya University Press

Published on May 2024

ISBN: 978-4-8158-1153-2

This is a comprehensive study by the author, a sociologist with 30 years of field research on Filipino communities in Japan, dealing with the labor, life, parenting and integration into local society of both marriage migrants and Nikkeijin from the 1980s to the 2020s. As of May 2024, only the Japanese edition is available. It is particularly recommended for those who grew up in Japan with Filipino parents.




With Ang mga Kababaihan sa Kapihan 5 sa Kansai

March - April 2024

By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll be a happy man.

But if you get a bad wife, you’ll be a philosopher.


In the days of the 3 famous Greek philosophers, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, it was the latter who became prominent for his crystal clear logic. He believed that women are equal to men in making a country strong and often argued that intelligence and wisdom are not determined by gender but by one’s innate abilities. Sources also said that Socrates helped establish shelters for homeless women in those days.

But how and why did he say that? Was it because there was no divorce then or because their standards of a good wife are subservient or for a bad one, a strong opinionated woman?

That leads us to reflect on the lives of women in the 21st century. To coincide with the celebration of International Women’s Month, the Philippine Community Coordinating Council in partnership with the Migrant Workers’ Office, Osaka and the Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration, Osaka, in collaboration with Osaka International House Foundation and Convention Linkage Inc., will hold Kapihan 5 at the International House Osaka on March 20 to gather Filipino communities together and share opinions with the Japanese about the conditions of women in Kansai.

History introduced to us Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, and our very own Cory Aquino. I was very fortunate to have been able to interview her in Osaka in the 1990’s and it made a lasting impression.

I was surrounded by strong women in my childhood. My grandfather became a writer and retreated to his typewriter to write poems and essays to avoid Lola’s nagging. My mother was a quiet, unassuming school teacher but would not back out once her principles and those of her children’s welfare were at stake. But she knew her role as a dutiful wife and mother and was able to create a happy balance between family and career. Even my father knew that it would be better not to argue with her once she kept quiet because her silence was more deafening than nagging and confronting her would mean a declaration of war! From them, I learned that women should stand up for their principles.

Another strong woman who had a big impact on my university days and on my career was theater awardee Naty Crame Rogers, who was my mentor and department head in the Speech and Drama Department. One of the challenges she gave me was to alternate for Mila Ocampo (mother of Snooky Serna) in Nick Joaquin’s “Portrait of the Artist as Filipino,“ directed by Lamberto Avellana during a performance at the Pines Hotel in Baguio.

I had butterflies in my stomach on opening night. Luckily, I said my lines, “A tisket... a tasket“ quite convincingly. Thanks to the grand dames of Philippine Theater Daisy Avellana, Veronica Palileo and Naty Crame Rogers who trusted me to do that role. From them, I learned that “trust begets trust.“

Trust in people was my secret to surviving life in Japan after I got married and gave birth to three boys. I juggled time between child rearing and social activities with the Japan Philippines Friendship Society or Kansai Nippi Tomo No Kai that we formed in 1984. At meetings that we held at the Phil. Tourism Office, I was the only woman, and on some occasions, when my husband was on business trips, I had to bring my boys along.

There was a time, out of curiosity, I went to an English Conversation School to apply for a part time teaching job, but the interviewer’s face was visibly displeased when he noticed that I was pregnant with my third baby. It would have been different if that happened in the present, when online English lessons are popular.

My third baby was born with a defect on his finger, so he had to undergo two operations. My husband’s family blamed me indirectly, but the impact was felt when he started to go to school. He was bullied not only for the defect but also for the fact that his mother is a foreigner. It got worse until he didn’t attend school anymore. It tore me apart, and a once happy family was torn apart too! From this, I learned how to turn misfortunes into positive ones.

That was when we had just formed the Philippine Community Coordinating Council in December 2000. Two years from now, we will be celebrating our 25th year.

We were on the verge of canceling Kapihan 5 due to time constraints had it not been for the timely visit of Dr. Jovelle B. Laoag Fernandez, a multi-awarded healthcare executive and author of the book “THE EXPAT.” Right after a very stimulating conversation with her and her husband, Dr. Alex Fernandez, the other women in the group, OWWA Officer Ms. Pilipina Dino asked if we could incorporate a discussion on women’s issues in one of our PCCC events and immediately, we thought of Kapihan 5. Lea Bartiquin, who is very much involved in radio broadcasting in the Philippines and who is now working as an English teacher with the Osaka Board of Education in Kishiwada was tapped by OWWA to do a presentation on gender sensitivity. That afternoon we spent with Dr. Fernandez was the pivotal factor in why we can go on with Kapihan 5 and had it not been for Labor Attache Elizabeth Marie Estrada’s trust in us, we wouldn’t be able to do this. It would also be a good time for the induction of the new set of PCCC Officers for 2024, headed by Ms. Katrina Fujikawa, the indefatigable woman behind the success of two PCCC major events, “Paskong Kansai-Ya“ in 2023 and HIPTOK in 2024!

To the women of Kapihan 5 and to all the men in the group who have supported us, Mabuhay!!!!


New Hopes... New Beginnings in 2024, 

the Year of the Dragon...

January-February 2024

“Do what you can now and build on that one by one."

(from an old Buddhist saying)


A blessed and prosperous New Year to all our readers and supporters of Jeepney Press. Once again, for good luck, I’m including pictures of the youngest members of our clan. Lewis and Duncan now have younger brothers, Renny and Cade. The smile on their faces is enough to start the new year on a happy note, despite the tough times.

The year of the dragon made a bold and fiery entrance with a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture, just as families across the country were celebrating the first day of 2024. My family had just gathered for the New Year get-together. My usual three-tiered jubako had three sets of food: the first layer is Philippine dishes with adobo and atchara; the second layer is Japanese kamaboko, daisies, dashi, maki tamago, beans, and Kuri Kinton Kazunoko; and the third layer is ham, cheese, and olives. A jolt in Osaka interrupted our online New Year pleasantries with my sister.

Barely a day after that, Japan was in the news again. JAL Flight 516 collided with a Japan Self Defense Force aircraft at Haneda Airport. Foreign media said that it was a "miracle“ and that it was amazing that all 379 people on the plane were evacuated in 18 minutes. The crew was praised for their quick action, all attributed to the rigid training of the staff on emergency procedures. It was also said that the passengers were calm and followed instructions well. No one was seen carrying any luggage, and it helped a lot with a smooth evacuation.


I’ve seen earthquake and fire drills conducted in many schools and centers for disaster preparedness, and from an early age, Japanese children take these drills seriously. No one is allowed to make jokes or smile while the drill is being held. Perhaps it’s the reason for the "miracle evacuation" at Haneda Airport. Instinctively, all passengers knew exactly what they had to do: remain calm and follow the instructions of the crew.


My niece and her boyfriend came for their holidays in the aftermath of the calamity and the collision at Haneda Airport. From Tokyo, they took the "Shinkansen." Shin Osaka station was overcrowded with holidaymakers, and the staff had to announce through loudspeakers, just like in Shibuya station, where policemen had to control the crowd on elevated platforms.


Their stay was brief but significant, as we discovered many things about living in multicultural settings. They were awed by Japan’s advancement in information technology, digitalization, anime, and manga culture, yet they say the Japanese people have preserved many of their cultural heritage and traditions, as well as being genuinely helpful to others.

I watched a news story on TV where a local restaurant in the earthquake-stricken area was shown serving hot food to residents and how students in one town are doing the best they can to get ready for senior high school entrance exams in spite of the fact that they do not have enough water or electricity. These are very inspiring stories about people rebuilding their lives after the disaster.


Meanwhile, let’s hope that this year will be merry and bright, and don’t take things too seriously. Do things one at a time!